This page will be added to from time to time
and your name may be added to an email list
to receive notices of new additions.
gallery has begun (scroll down below after
the historical pictures) so that others may
be inspired by your work. Please send emails
with My Make Your Own Doll in the subject line
and a short caption that you would like included
along with your name.
NEW MYO MOLDS ~ Later in 2009, new mold styles
will be added.
To email Gail with pictures, click here.


Different styles of shoes/boots.Most of this
is done with paint, but a few have raised lines
to help define.
This is the beginnings of
a gallery of work made from the GW Make
Your Own Doll series. It is decidedly harder
to get pictures of dolls than to make
the dolls themselves, thus there are
not many pictures. If you have made a
doll, send digital picture(s) to Gail
by email or a real photo. You do not
have to have your name if you do not

The doll on the right is simply painted
as is from the mold. The doll on the
left has added PaperClay hair. Ears
were just covered over for this style.

Victor Brandt's doll front view above and
back at right. |

by Marion Murray |

Pam Anderson got a start using the GW Remember
Angel head. Her doll seems as if she
could have stepped out of a Jane Austen
story. |
(in the works) of the 1830's in her
corset with Apollo's Knot style of
hair by Bobbie Atherton. |
Doll made
by a rising star, Hadleigh, age 11. Hadleigh
has also made my Springfield Wooden jointed
dolls and redesigned her own joints so
the arms will move independently. |
mom, Heather, made this doll. Heather
was once a little girl herself who got
one of my very early dolls and now is
watching her own daughter make dolls.
The two dolls in pink below were a joint
effort to make a pink princess for Hadleigh's
sister (6), Ada, whose name is Magnolia
Rose. Hadleigh was responsible for her
molding and painting and the concept, with
sewing help from her mother.
Marion Murray used a molded MYO as a base
for a peddler doll. |

Emily by Sarah Kochanowski |

Karen Gates made the two shown above and
the views of the back hair below.
Julie Lewis came to one of my early retreats
as a beginner. Now, many retreats and dolls
later, she is now teaching herself. The
doll at left is one of hers as are the
two below. |
Painted shoes and stockings by Julie. |
Below you will see pictures
taken in a class taught by Julie Lewis
using the GW MYO molds. |