YOUR DOLLS ~ The way your
dolls are displayed is just as important as any of the other
factors about the doll (such as colors and fabrics used). Of
course the most charming way to display vintage look dolls
is in antique doll furniture, but this is not always possible.
Below you will find some chairs to help address the difficulty
in finding just the right props. Chairs can be used for more
than one doll - for instance, one doll may be sitting in the
chair, while another one may be standing just next to the back
of the chair and another one or two may be sitting on the floor
using the chair to lean on. In other words, a single chair
can be then the focal point of a whole grouping. You should
not have all your dolls sitting in chairs - it would look like
a movie theater, and many dolls do not sit well at all (for
example, I do not like to seat my Historical Folk Dolls #1,2
or 7 (see above). I will also be adding some new items in early
2007 to help in displaying your dolls. For instance, my new
wooden Joel Ellis doll due to the elaborate work in her wooden
joints, likes to be seen undressed, and yet she has wonderful
clothing and even a special bonnet, so for this doll, I recommend
sitting the doll down, say on a shelf, and next to her, displaying
her clothing on my new larger doll dress form (dolls 12" -
15") and her bonnet on the hatstand which will also be
available. I will also be adding in some new wooden display
stands for your standing dolls who need support. For small
dolls, look at chairs in the Early American and Hitty Series.

Since a lot of my dolls are
now in a larger size (for almost 20 years I worked on dolls 8" tall
or less), I found that I wanted a size antique chair that is not
only hard to find, but very expensive, due to their rarity. So
I set about reproducing two in my own small collection. The chair
on the left is painted a charming red that has been realistically
distressed to look old and the chair on the right, which has a
woven split seat, is aged wood. Both are 14" tall and are
for dolls in the 14" to 20" range. Click
on the illustrations for photos.
Red Chair $195 No longer available
14" Ladderback with Arms $250 No longert available
Please note, these chairs may not be included in any discounts.

This chair is best for dolls in the 10" - 12" range.
It is a more refined look than any of my other chairs and is painted
a pleasing mustard color with real ash splint seats. Chair is about
11" tall. $195 Last one sold. |
LADDERBACK CHAIR (8" TALL) (Shown in middle picture below with ash splint seat.)
I made these a long time back for displaying dolls but they are
still good basic display pieces for 9"
- 12" dolls and they are available in kit form too. Easy to
assemble and paint with all materials
and wood parts provided. Seat weaving is traditional rush-style
and instructions are included, although there are special ash splint seats available on finished chairs.
Chair Kit Sorry, these kits no longer available
Finished Chair $72.00 Add
to Cart
$84.00 Add
to Cart
NEW SMALLER LADDERBACK CHAIR (7" TALL) (shown far right below)
Just like the others but with the rush-style seat. Good for 8" dolls such as my new 8" Izannah but will fit up to 10".
Finished only. $72.00 Add
to Cart
NEW LARGER LADDERBACK CHAIR WITH HEART BACK SLATS (9" TALL) - Shown on far left. This chair was made for my 12" Izannah Collection but is available on its own. The 3 back slats have a heart shape along the top edges and an ash splint seat. Although designed for a 12" doll, it would also work for a slightly larger doll and many smaller sizes - these would look like a child sitting in a real chair, a look I love.
Heart Back Ladderback Chair $112.00
No longer available

From left: 9" Heartback, 8" Ladderback with ash seat and 7" Ladderback with rush-style seat. Note that middle chair also comes with rush-style seat.
We make these based on many years of trying to find or make
tasteful stands for dolls that look nice and work. There is
a slight amount of adjustment possible both in height and waist
sizes. Note for creative people - if you buy the nearest stand
to what you want, you will be able to follow our wire holder
part as a model to make a new one of your own (using new wire)
to fit your individual situation. Stands come stained and polished with my antique
wood finish. May require simple individual fitting to your
Stand on Left is the Tiny Doll Stand ~ Stand on the Right is a Saddle Stand
Tiny Doll Sizes (shown left in above illustration):
• Tiny Doll Stand (3 to 3-1/2" dolls) - This size only comes finished
$12.75 Add
to Cart
• Tiny Stand for Boys with supports under arms (instead
of under skirts) $12.75 Add
to Cart
Hitty Styles (shown in the right illustration above):
• Hittys Little Sister (5" doll)
$24 Add
to Cart
• 6.5" dolls (Hitty) with cloth bodies. $28 Add
to Cart
• 6.5" dolls (Hitty) with wooden bodies (made with a center
wooden crotch piece at hips) $28 Add
to Cart
Larger Saddle Stands (shown in the right illustration above):
• 8-9" dolls $28 Add
to Cart
• 10" dolls $28 Add
to Cart
• 11-12" dolls $28 Add
to Cart
Other Stands for Specific Styles of Doll:
• 8" GW Milliners Model Stand (a larger version of the stand illustrated on the left above made for a very slender doll with a waist of about 3"). $18.00 Add
to Cart
• 10-12" dolls with fixed upper legs (dolls who cannot
sit such as my Jane Austen or the Tuck Comb) $28 Add
to Cart Note: These stands have a figure 8 wire that non-jointed legs are supported in.
• Stands for my wooden dolls 9" or 12" tall who have
the hole in bottom of torso to accept dowel are also available
as kits only $14. 12" size Add
to Cart or 9" size Add
to Cart
Hat Stands
Hat Stand (intended for Hitty or bonnets that will
work with a stand about 2" tall) $5.75 Add
to Cart
Hat Stand (for larger dolls 10-14" tall or
bonnets that will work with a stand about 3.5" tall)
$6.75 Add
to Cart
Forms and Dress Form Stands - Sometimes a doll's outfit needs to be displayed
Dress Forms are the usual expected padded forms and fussier to make. I designed the Dress Form Stands which are all wood, not padded and thus easier to make but look the same as the padded dress form once the outfit is hanging from it. At this time with reduced helpers Dress Forms are not available finished. GW recommends the new Dress Form Stands as the perfect solution.
Dress Forms (shown left) & Dress Form Stands
(shown right)
Small Dress
Form ~
A small Hitty size padded dress form to display her favorite
Kit $22 Add
to Cart Sorry, Finished not available at this time. GW recommends the Dress Form Stand instead.
Dress Form Stand ~ Sized for Hitty - A dress form alternative
that is easy to make and affordable if you like to display
Hitty's outfits on a form, thus needing lots of them. This
one is all wood but the outfit looks the same once on it.
It eliminates the covered form, making the kits easy and
less work so the finished ones are more affordable to have
Kit $18 Add
to Cart Finished $24 Add
to Cart
Dress Form Stand (8-9" Dolls) Available Finished Only $28 Add
to Cart
Large Dress Form Stand (12" Dolls) Available Finished Only $38 Add
to Cart |