Hitty Yards - Packages of 4 small prints in assorted darker or pastel/softer choices of very small prints suitable for Hitty. (11" x 12" pieces* - large enough for most Hitty dresses).
*Due to varying sizes from the manufacturers, some fabrics will vary slightly in the measurements but will reflect the same total area).
Darker colors $7.75 Add to Cart Lighter colors $7.75 Add to Cart

• Hitty Scale Imported Cotton Lace 2 yards $6.95 Add to Cart

Make Your Own Hitty Scale Lace - Easy to do with just a needle. Added directly to fabric edges and very heirloom looking. Kit to get you started then use any thread. $5.75 Add to Cart

Hitty Scale Buttons -12 each of 4 assorted colors (white, cream, brown and black) of the smallest buttons ever. Special needle included. $7.95 Add to Cart

VERY BEST EXTRA SMALL BUTTONS (Hard to tell that they are not real pearl buttons) - 1/8" Diameter
These were the best find for buttons that look right on even very small dolls. These are slightly off-whit and truly look like mother of pearl with a tiny rim on the up side. A tiny bit smaller than the Small Buttons above but flatter which makes them appear smaller still. Dyeable with Rit dyes. Bags of 20. $9.75 Add to Cart

Stylus tools have many uses, from ceramics and sculpting to burnishing surfaces and in printing for embossing. I have always had them around my workshop since they have so many uses, but the one that is very helpful in dollmaking and which is little known, is using the ball tip to pull thread loops or tiny buttonholes over tiny buttons. Once you have one, you will find other uses as well.
This size for Hitty $3.95 Add to Cart
Fine Batiste for Hitty underthings or special dresses or pinafores. 1/2 yard $4.95 Add to Cart
Hitty Scale Silk Ribbon (3 yds of off-white) with instructions to dye any color or simply antique. $3.50 Add to Cart

• Hitty Wooden Clothes Hangers with Loops. These were the original coathangers for Hitty, designed to hang on a pegrack peg by their string loops. Finished package of 6 $14.95 Add to Cart

• Hitty Wooden Clothes Hangers with Wire Hooks. These were designed to be used in Hittys Cupboard-Wardrobe with wire hooks to hang on a closet rod. Finished set of 6 $14.95 Add to Cart

• Hitty size tiny Wooden Clothespins - These are my own design old-fashioned wooden clothespins about 1" tall. Package of 6 finished $7.95 Add to Cart
• Hitty Coral Beads
Hitty Kits come with a set of beads but you may want extras or need another set if you are making another Hitty from extra molded parts. Package comes with stretchy bead cord and instructions. These are real coral beads hard to find in this small size (2mm).
Coral Color $7.50 Add to Cart
Deep Red Color $7.50 Add to Cart
Finished Beads in peach colored coral $12.95 Add to Cart
Finished Beads in deep red coral $12.95 Add to Cart
• Pearls for Hitty - 2 mm (very small - 14 per inch) glass faux pearl beads. A good size for Hitty in dress-up. Packages come with instructions for stringing on fine beading wire included. Enough for 2.5" with extras. Kit only.
$6.75 Add to Cart
NEW • Real Turquoise Beads for Hitty
Just like Hitty's coral beads, turquoise beads were also common in Hitty's time. I have found some rare 2 mm real turquoise beads after a hard search. These can be ordered, like the coral beads I sell for Hitty, in kit form $7.50 Add to Cart or finished $12.95 Add to Cart

• Tacky Putty for Dolls (Uhu Brand)
Keep hats on slippery doll's heads, help pose and stand dolls and arrange small accessories. Won't harm firm paint or sturdy fabrics and can be re-used. Use small pieces balled up to stick things down. White.
Small package goes a long way. $1.95 Add to Cart

Hitty, Her First Hundred Years (Paperback Version) ~ If you don't own a copy of this beloved book originally published in 1929, here is an inexpensive paperback version. Of course, Hitty lovers may want to look on used book sites for an older hard bound version, but here is a suitable printing that allows you to own the story complete with black and white reproduction of the original illustrations by Dorothy Lathrop. Sorry, no longer available here. Can be found on Amazon.

Hitty, Her First Hundred Years
(Hardbound) ~ finally after a long time unavailable, a nice hard bound version. This one is similar to the original and has all of Dorothy Lathrop's black and white illustrations. Size is 6.5" x 8.5." This book will not fit the cloth cover kit below, but being hardbound, does not need it.Sorry, no longer available here. Can be found on Amazon.

Hitty, Her First Hundred Years


Hitty Supplies by Gail Wilson