INFORMATION - I teach classes both here in my workshop and
I am also hired to teach elsewhere.
Classes can be of things I already have, new dolls or items that
are not presently part of my kits and patterns and can be cloth,
primitive, or even dolls that involve some sort of molding. My
35+ years of making original molds for dolls and all the general
engineering I have to do to make all the dolls' furniture and
accessories makes just about any technique or subject possible.
Please contact me for my rates. If you would like to take a class
here (some people like the opportunity to poke around in all
my little drawers), you can arrange for your group to come (B &
B accommodations can be arranged if desired). If you are not part
of a group, sign up to be on my MAILING LIST FOR CLASSES (this
is separate from my customer and catalog mailing list). Fees usually
involve a class fee and a class kit fee - these of course
will vary depending upon the class material. Retreats have become
a favorite way for women to get away and make dolls - from just
after lunch on a Friday through early afternoon on Sunday. This
time allows for very in-depth work not able to be completed in
a day class. Different venues are used, but we all stay and eat
together in a cozy environment. Participants come from all over
and quite a few come with either a friend or a sister, but all
enjoy meeting new people who share such common interests. Fee for
a retreat includes lodging (dorm style), food and class kit. If
you would like to have me teach in your location, write or email
for suggestions and fees.
EXPERIENCE - Any level of experience is fine. Sometimes the people
with the most experience have the hardest time because they are
used to being able to work a certain way and the least experienced
are sometimes more open to new information. If you are considering
a class but feel intimidated, do not let this stop you - that is
what I am there for - to guide you through the process. All you
need is a little enthusiasm and a good sense of humor.
MY CLASS MAILING LIST - You must be on this special list if you
would like to receive information about future classes. Please
email me to be on the class mailing list. EMAIL

(Scroll all the way down to
see current Retreats)
Note: My venue of many years has been sold and no longer available. I am currently looking for another venue suitable.
My retreats are held in lodges or B&B's designed for retreats.
Rooms and baths are shared in a "camp" atmosphere. There
is the availability of one private room which has an added per
night charge - Click
here to email GW if you would like to check on the availability
and extra cost). We do all the cooking providing Friday dinner
through Sunday lunch, plus many snacks and drinks available all
the time. All linens are provided. The basic schedule has you arriving
at the retreat about 1 PM (please, not before) on Friday so we
can begin the first session at 2 and finishing by 2 on Sunday so
people can get a start home. Sessions in the evening add to the
time that retreats allow. Saturday evening, we will drive the short
distance (17 miles) to my home and workshop for wine and hors d’ouevres
during which time you may explore and possibly shop (special retreat
discounts on all kits, patterns, supplies, and finished items of 10% off), then we will have a big dinner
and return to the lodge. Of course do wear only the most comfortable
of clothes. Just before the time of your retreat, you will be sent
more information about what to bring and maps. The nearest airport
is Manchester, NH about an hour plus away. Sewing skills are essential,
but participants do not have to be experienced in either dollmaking
or other skills such as painting. I find all levels of ability
do well and have fun. Sewing machines are usually not needed and
I always have one or two available in case.
Due to the large commitment I have to make to hold these retreats,
payments must be as follows: 1/2 due up front (in certain cases
it is 1/3) and non-refundable to secure your place in the class.
The second half is due 30 days before the retreat, no exceptions,
and is refundable only if there is a replacement for you.
Please note that it is usually difficult to impossible to fill
a canceled place less than 30 days from a retreat even if we have
a waiting list). If you have fully paid and are unable to attend,
you will receive the class kit as partial compensation for your
loss. In the event of a cancelation due to extreme circumstances
beyond my control, (acts of God, war related, etc.), all but the
direct costs of securing the room and perishable food will be refunded
to each person equally. Class kits usually include the use of various
tools and supplies, plus pre-sewn bodies and all other necessary
paints, stuffing and other items. Sometimes some items must be
provided by the student.
• If
you wish to make other payment arrangements (monthly payments
on the balance after initial deposit), please email or call so
that we may accomodate your needs.
• Day student rates are available if you are within commuting
distance or if you prefer to stay in a local B&B to have
• Do not make plane reservations
until we confirm the retreat has
at least the minimum number of participants. If we do not get
enough students, all deposits will be returned.

(Scroll down to see current Online
Classes )
AND THERE IS LOTS OF HELP. When I first heard about online classes,
I thought that no one would take one from me because they could
just buy a kit instead. But, I have come to realize the huge benefits
that an online class can give, some of which cannot be gotten even
in a real class. Here’s how it will work. You sign up for
a class and when it comes about a month before class time, you
are charged your class fee and you will receive an email of confirmation
and a Supplies List. Very close to class startup you will receive
your class kit and any supplies you may have added to your order
(some online classes have optional class kits and some have class
kits you can't take the class without) - this shipment will be
a separate payment. Next, you will receive your pass into the Message
Board where you will post your questions, comments, and I will
post my answers and we will all be able to both read everyone else’s
comments and “talk” to each other. Then, another email
the day before the class with the information and password to get
to your classroom. Lessons will be posted once each week, and I
am online a few times a day answering all the questions as they
arise on the Message Board. Here is the good part. You can work
at your own pace, in your own environment without the pressure
of being in a class and having to keep up. You don’t even
have to be present for the weekly classes as all of the class material
will be kept up and running not only during the class weeks, but
well beyond. All steps are accompanied by color photos of me making
the doll. Most classes will run 6 sessions and most lessons will
be able to be completed in a couple of hours, but this can and
will vary from person to person and it’s OK. You will control
how fast you go which will allow you to more fully absorb the process.
In all my years of teaching, I know that not much is actually remembered
from one class - there is too much going on for the brain to grasp
it all, so this online format is excellent. Plus, if questions
arise on a particular technique, I am able to help out with "instant"
digital picture pointers, and often more help comes from other
students. Most people print out all the material allowing them
to work at any time. You only need a computer, an internet connection,
and most likely a printer. Sending in digital pictures of your
work is a plus but not necessary. Plan to learn some computer stuff
too along the way and to get lots of leads on interesting stuff
from everyone.

you sign up for online classes that are more than 6 weeks ahead,
you will not be charged until 30 days before the class is to
begin. Class kits are not charged until shipped which will
be just prior to the class start-up. You will be asked for
your credit card information when you order online, but you
will only be charged as stated above.
here to see a list of previous online classes (such
as Hitty, Joel Ellis) that you will be able to sign up for
with the understanding that your name goes on a list and
when enough students have signed up, a class start-up date
will be set. You will not be charged anything until it is
feasible to run the class at which time you will first receive
an email asking you to confirm that this will work for you.
you belong to a group or gather a group of 12 or more people,
it is possible to run an online class just for your group (or
you may allow it to be open to anyone).

following list may change - classes may be added (if the time and
inspiration hits), subtracted (not enough sign up) or dates changed
to fit. Sometimes I do not have pictures of the item for a new

Since Covid, teaching classes elsewhere became problematic and the only classes I have had have been for other organizations or events, such as R John Wright and UFDC Conventions. At this point, venues are a problem along with my increasingly busy schedule and with losing helpers, loss of support to pull off events. Currently as of 2025, I am beginning to look into new possibilities. If you would like to be made aware of any future classes, ask to be added to my Class Mailing List.

I enjoy teaching classes
here in my workshop where I can have fewer students due to not
having to pack up all supplies where nothing is forgotten, no travel
and no set up is required other than a lick and a promise. Plus
it is more stress free for me to teach fewer people and we get
more done. If you would like to arrange a small class with me or
even a private or semi-private workshop, please email concerning
subject matter you desire, costs, time frames, and the possibility
that if you do not have a group yourself, that some postings here
and on the GW Yahoo message boards will yield others who might
like to share.
PS: Don't let fear of
winter travel get in the way of the best time for taking a class
- plan to travel by bus or Amtrak or Manchester, NH airport. We
can pick up from these places.
Interested in
a Private or Semi-Private Class ~ These
would be in my home and workshop (max 3 people). Can be any doll in my repertoire or
other topics such as making your own molds, learning painting
techniques or pattern making (Note: Choice of subject affects
price and some types of classes will have a kit or special supplies
surcharge). Weekends or other mid-week options open for fall
and winter. Give yourself a gift or bring a friend or relative
and get immersed. Email
me for more info, including longer workshops or stays. Even
if you do not want a private class and don't know anyone to take
the class with you in order to get lower rates, let me know topics
and your time frame, and I will announce it to seek additional
Rates 2-Day (One overnight):
Staying at my home:
Prices from
$795 for private to $575 (per person) for tuition and room/board
if two or more students.
Extra days added: $225 per day per person.
Staying elsewhere:
If you wish to stay elsewhere and commute, cost is
$675 for private, $575 per student if more for the standard two day class for tuition and lunch and snacks. Extra days added $200 per person, including lunch. I can supply the
names of nearest motels (about 30 minutes from my home/workshop).
