~ I have made available a free downloadable pattern with instructions
for the camisole shown above.All other underwear and dress is in
the Hitty Kit, but the camisole is not. This document is in Adobe
Acrobat Reader PDF format which is on most computers. Click on
this link to print pattern.

Hitty's Handmade Book (1-3/4" x
The Peg Wooden in this Picture has been replaced with Hitty's own
Peg Wooden
Scroll down for new

Hitty sitting at her Secretary
(in her Ladderback Chair) with her Diary

Hitty's Laundry Set and Ironing Board Set

Hitty's Sewing Set
(Spoolrack is 1-1/2" tall, Quilt is 2-1/2" square)

Hitty's Sampler (2-1/4" x
Hitty's Own Peg Wooden Doll (2" tall) and Her Tiny Bed,
Quilt and Chair
Hitty's Nightgown, Nightcap, Cape and winter bonnet
In the left photo the Cape is shown in tan. This fabric is now unavailable. The color is now dark blue as in the right photo.

Hittys Country Outfit with Bonnet

Hitty's Two Best Dresses
- Left is Pini Over Dress and Right is Drop -Waist Dress

Hitty's Izannah Walker
Outfit with Printed 1800's Apron

Hitty's Quaker Outfit
and Cap with Straw Bonnet

Hitty's Own Tiny Paper
Doll Set
(Comes with wood backed two-sided paper doll, 4 two-sided outfits
and a tiny matchbox
for storage with printed label lid).

Hitty's Jane Austen
(Comes with gown, petticoat, pantalets, bonnet)

Hitty's Wooden Rocking Chair

Hitty's Punch Needle Whale Rug

Hitty's Gardening Set with Pinafore, Straw Hat, Two Baskets and
Seed Packages.
NOTE: Dress to match available separately.

Hitty's Pini and Bonnet Set made with hand crocheted Lace.

Shown above are Hitty's Spindle-Back Chairs at her Round Table.
Yellow Ware Tea Set
on the table is available separately. Later the set will include
Tiny Hitty's High Chair.

Above the two Hittys are wearing what we call the Tea Party Outfits in Original Colors
Additional colors available on page 4 of the Hitty Clothing

Hitty's Decorated Feather Tree and Fence Set shown in front of
her Folding Screen.

Hitty's Winter Quilt - Available as a kit and fits Hitty's Bed.

Above and Below is Hitty's Cupboard-Wardrobe
which comes with a set of 6 coathangers.

Hitty's Daguerreotype

The Hitty Tea Party Outfits in New Colors

Hitty's Quilt Frame

Hitty's Printed Cat shown on Bench
Cat is 1.5" tall

Hittys Winter Outfit (4 pieces) shown with her wooden sled

Above - Hitty's Trunk Shown in Original Colors and Colors in Kit
Below - Finished Trunk in new color scheme

Hitty in her Annabelle Outfit (5 pieces - Bonnet, Hankie, Overdress, Underdress, Pantalets)

A shorter (in height) bed has been added for Hitty. Note it has a different color scheme.

The Original Series ~ Much more
has been added.

Hitty's House has lift off lid, lift out glass front and interior