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Fray Preventer Sewing Supplies Gail Wilson Designs

For dollmaking (not for things like clothes that will be washed). Paint on raw edges of dolls before turning - allows cutting of very small seam allowances with no tear-out. Good at stress points.
SEWING WITH SILKS - Draw your cutting pattern pieces on flat silk and then paint this on the drawn line, the silk will not fray once cut and viola suddenly sewing with silk is no longer a hassle.

1 oz. jar $3.75 Add to Cart

Ginghers Sewing Supplies Gail Wilson Designs

If you are serious about your work, these are the best scissors to own (see my new "also best" scissors below). Very sharp and cut right to the points (as long as you don't cheat and cut paper, polyester or plastic). And, they have a good firm chomp.

4" Ginghers - embroidery, small detail, clipping, trimming, handsewing (one of my own most important tools in dollmaking). I sell the ones with bigger finger holes - easy on/off. I strongly recommend you own two pair - one for fabric, threads, one for snipping patterns. $29.00 OUT OF STOCK
5" Craft Ginghers - don't let the "craft" fool you, although they excell in craft projects as well. I use them for general cutting and heavier materials (for instance the linen mesh). These have hefty blades that cut so well you will find yourself reaching for them all the time - they just feel right in your hand. I still recommend having a separate pair dedicated to paper, cardboard if you will be doing a lot of cutting of those materials. $32.00 SOLD OUT
7" Ginghers - more of what my mother's generation called "dressmaking scissors" . Good for general outline cutting and bulk cutting (but notclipping or trimming while sewing - use the 4" for this) $32 Add to Cart

Ginghers Sewing Supplies Gail Wilson Designs
Click scissors for picture


Thanks to Kellie who works for me long distance from New Mexico, I am now selling my choices of Karen Kay Buckley scissors. The tiny green ones I first prized for the close-in accuracey of the tiny points which are sharp right up to the tiny tips, I no longer am selling. Loved them at the start, but over time they just are too wimpy to really cut well except on very delicate stuff. Instead I found myself reaching for the Small All-Purpose and so I have changed what I offer. The blue ones are still wonderful for small doll cutting of clothing or body parts and the purple ones for more normal size cutting. Scissors are light, blades minutely serrated which grip fabric against slipping and the handles are soft and large enough for easy handling. These are great tools to add to your toolbox.

Small 4" green scissors. No longer offering these - instead get the Small All-Purpose Scissors below.
Small All-Purpose Scissors 5" orange handles - I first got these for non-fabric cutting, but find myself using all the time for fine cutting too. I am sorry to admit to being a scissors addict. I also like the good big handles for fast grabbing. $24.75 Add to Cart
Medium 6" blue scissors $27.75 Add to Cart
Large 8"(but not as big seeming as other 8" scissors) purple scissors $29.75 Add to Cart

Ginghers Sewing Supplies Gail Wilson Designs TEENY CLIPPING SCISSORS
Discovered that a pair of these purchased for traveling (due to extreme small size) made clipping off excess knit when using the knit-over (a molded head form) technique where knit butts up to another piece of knit completely changed the difficulty of this task. The teeny tips are less than 1/2" long but very sharp so they can cut inside curves which is near impossible with any other scissors. This enables you to get perfect edges where knit butts together. These are not cheap tools, but fine sewing scissors by a French company known for high quality scissors. Even though they have tiny tips, the finger loops are large and easy on and off. Total length of these is 2.25". Tiny indeed. $18 Sorry, no longer available .Alternately for snipping knit over very close, try small curve tipped scissors.
See special knit in the Basic Fabrics section for doing this technique for dolls.
Again these pins were discontinued, but through diligent searching I found a new source. The new source did not provide the nice little tin box, but I got my own tin boxes and put on my own label.
These pins are so nice, I give dire threats to anyone caught using them. Made by the Japanese who are the masters of fine sewing needles and pins along with fabric. These are particularly nice glass headed pins, but unlike so many others, just melt into the fabric. With delicate small glass heads that can take a hot iron. 100 pins .4mm x 1.36 mm.
$12.50 Add to Cart
This is a package of my favorite needles for all purposes due to requests from people in my classes. They are ones that are largely hard to find, especially in a good quality. Other than that, there is nothing special except they are the ones I use for everything and I put them all together in a package with notes about their uses. Now with two more needles added including a leather needle. A package of 14 in 8 specific sizes.
$7.95 Add to Cart
Felting Needles Dollmaking Supplies Gail Wilson Designs
These needles which have been used in industry for a long time can also be used in dollmaking. They are three-sided needles that have tiny barbs in them that pull fibers with them and leave them behind when the needle is removed, so that an in and out movement with the needle, felts or wefts fibers together. They can be used to attach fiber hair to cloth dolls' heads without sewing or gluing, and although this is not totally secure for playworthiness, it is fine for most "just to be looked at dolls". I also use them a lot for just securing the hairdoes themselves, not to the scalp but just to pull the hair into line or tidy up places that have become messy, especially with roving hair. Four needles come with a small instruction sheet.
$5.75 Add to Cart

These are large needles that have sharp wedgelike points and are strong enough to use as small "pry bars" to resolve hollow places and minor lumps in stuffing. They are inserted through the outer fabric, angled down into the stuffing below and used to lift stuffing up into the undesired cavity. Also can be used to slide stuffing along just under the surface. This is most helpful for areas discovered after the doll is stuffed, particularly in the head area or even for moving stuffing down to tips of toes or fingers. 3 on a card strung with ribbon loops so you will be less likely to lose them in your pincushion. $4.50 Add to Cart

TINY CLAMPS FOR DOLLMAKING - Important new tools. Perfect for tightly holding small pieces together during sewing and gluing constructions, as hair clips while styling doll wigs, plus many more uses. Smooth jaws on these tiniest of clamps (about 1" long) will not leave marks. Recommended for working with mesh below. Package of 5. $5.00 Add to Cart
Frustrated by needing people to measure curved areas, such as the circumference of a doll head or where to place a nose, and that rulers are flat and tape measures are too wide and thick, I printed up tiny paper ones that once laminated are fairly permanent. These started out just for classes, but all the students kept wanting to take them home, so now they are available and come two to a package in case you lose one. They are thin, brightly colored with easy to read numbers, and only 1/8" wide.
$1.00 for 4 Add to Cart
For years I passed this one by. But one day I tried one and now I wouldn't be without it for dollmaking at the sewing machine. What it does is guide gathers or easing through and under the presser foot with ease - also great to get lace and other things just started. I used to use the tips of my 4" Ginghers, but this is so much better. We make these ourselves (as the commercial ones are so expensive), using a very strong needle point fixed into a turned and stained wooden handle with a linen string loop to hang.
$8.50 Add to Cart


Stylus tools have many uses and sizes. Basically a pencil like tool with metal balls on each end of different diameters. They are used in ceramic and sculpting work, for burnishing surfaces, in printing for embossing and for dotting with paint. I have always had them around my workshop since they have so many uses, but the one that is very helpful in dollmaking and which is little known, is using the ball tip to pull thread loops or tiny buttonholes over tiny buttons. Like a button hook, but since it is hard to get a hook that small and hooks can only pull, the ball at the end serves better to both pull and push. Once you have one, you will find other uses as well.
Two options:
Single stylus in smallest size (Good for Hittys) $3.95 Add to Cart
Set of 5 assorted sizes $15.95 Add to Cart

These tiny irons are good for three things in dollmaking. One is to take along to classes or locations where using a large wattage iron is impractical, two is for getting into small places like gathers and for opening seam allowances, and the third is a new way to transfer doll faces and embroidery lines using photocopy, ink jet or laser printout. Comes with instructions for doing this. Can even be done on most painted cloth surfaces as well. $25.00 SOLD OUT AND NO LONGER CARRYING - THIS ITEM COMMONLY AVAILABLE AT CRAFT SUPPLIERS

This does everything of the smaller iron, but is hotter (can do more stuff not done well by lower temps of smaller iron) and has detachable heads for different purposes. What I have discovered is that this one will iron on the iron-on faces better if you acquire the special ball head. The reason is the flat head skims over the stuffed surface on the doll leaving blanks and sometimes not transferring at all if doll is understuffed. Using the ball head means it presses in and does a wonderful job of transferring all the time (read that as you need the ball head attachment). Comes with regular head. Sorry to add one more thing to the list of necessaries, but this one is worth it. $38.00 Ball Head Attachment $8.75

I always spend time in all my classes emphasizing that good work is easy if you can see well enough. Most people can’t. These magnifiers (MagEyes) can be worn with or without glasses and allow you to see over the tops as you work. They fit comfortably on your forehead and can be adjusted up or down or out of the way. They come with two lenses 1.5x and 2x magnification.


Being able to see is as important as your sewing machine. I found these lights that are just like Ott lights but not as costly. They are wonderful for taking with you to classes or to take from room to room or just to have for regular work. You can get it up close and the light quality is perfect. These are the same 13 watt types that fold down for portability and provide light that is as close to natural as possible.


click image for picture

I got these tiny irons based on a friend's recommendation and have been hooked ever since. They fit nicely in the palm of your hand at just 5" tall and they have steam. What I like is the obvious smallness for doll sewing (or quilting) and the fact that they are as hot as a "real" iron (which many previous travel irons were not), BUT, and this is big, they only use about 400 watts as opposed to a big iron at 1200-1800. If you like to leave your iron on for long stretches, this won't break the electric bank and it holds steam for an amazing amount of time considering its small tank. This has been my go-to iron even when I should be using my people sized iron. $29.95 SOLD OUT BUT AVAILABLE ONLINE - LOOK FOR STEAMFAST

NOTE - I have discontinued selling regular size irons professional model Rowenta irons, which I sold because they were the only game in town if you wanted a high quality (and hot) iron back in the day, but then the market caught on and many manufacturers have upgraded irons to Rowenta standards so you can find much cheaper and still excellent irons by most other companies for under $50. Because of this, I cannot compete with the prices at discount places where similar irons now abound.

Since I promote the use of spray starch dyes and my own wax antiquing, I feel that you should know about cleaners for the bottom of your iron. Most of the above things will not do anything harmful to your iron, but there can be build up. Apply to an old wash cloth, run your hot iron over it and it does a wonderful job of cleaning.
$7.00 SOLD OUT
STEAM-A-SEAM ~ A new double stick fusible web. Has a temporary stick on both sides without ironing and is re-positionable, then bonds permanently when ironed. Not as likely to bleed through cloth and great for covered boxes or doll bonnets. 5 sheets 9" x 12". $5.00 No longer selling this but you can find it online.
PROPORTIONAL SCALE ~ I began using one of these when I had real jobs (in another much younger life) as a graphic artist. But since I still use them all the time, you might like to have one too. They useful for re-sizing pictures and patterns (both doll and quilt). Example ~ Say you have a doll pattern that makes a doll 17" tall, but you want it to be 11" - this will tell you the percent to reduce to. Or, let's say you have a picture that is 2" x 3-1/2" and you want to know if you make it 4-1/4" wide, how long the length will be. Or, I have a doll chair that is all in the right proportion but too big, and the only thing I really know is how tall the back of the chair should be. I can then use this to find out the measurements of all the other pieces.
DISCONTINUED BUT AVAILABLE AT ONLINE ART SUPPLIES or even at Amazon (search "proportional scale wheels" with prices between $5 adn $10).
BODKIN FOR TURNING MOST ANYTHING RS OUT ~ Long before turning tubes, there were bodkins. This is a long smooth metal bar with a large eye at one end. Slip the eye up inside the narrowest of tubes and then with a regular needle and thread, sew through the cloth that you want to turn RS out, going through the eye of the bodkin. Pull the bodkin out and it will pull with it the far end that you temporarily tacked to it. Easy and efficient. GW illustrated instructions come with it. $3.50
DISCONTINUED (usually found at places like JoAnn Fabrics).

10 sheets of the special transparent vellum that can be used in laser printers or most copiers that use heat in the printing process. Line art faces (not color) printed onto this paper can then be ironed onto painted cloth for a perfect transfer to then paint or colored pencil in. Using a Clover iron (sold below) is recommended. $5.25 Add to Cart

20 sheets of flat freezer paper (heavy duty to keep flat) which are good for running through your printer. Freezer paper is great for printing out paper pieces for certain quilt designs or for doll patterns - just iron on, no pins, pull off and even re-use. $7.75 Add to Cart
Best all-purpose glue and recommended in many of my kits. 4 oz. Aleene's Tacky Glue in squeeze bottle.
$2.75 Add to Cart


Hitty Kits come with a set of beads but you may want extras or need another set if you are making another Hitty from extra molded parts. Package comes with stretchy bead cord and instructions. These are real coral beads hard to find in this small size (2mm).
Coral color $7.50 Add to Cart Deep red coral color $7.50 Add to Cart
Finished Beads in coral color $12.95 Add to Cart
Finished Beads in deep red coral $12.95 Add to Cart

Just like Hitty's coral beads, turquoise beads were also common in Hitty's time. I have found some rare 2 mm real turquoise beads after a hard search. These can be ordered, like the coral beads I sell for Hitty, in kit form $7.50 Add to Cart or finished $12.95 Add to Cart

PEARLS - 2 mm (very small - 14 per inch) glass faux pearl beads. A good size for dolls from 6" to 12" tall. Packages come with instructions for stringing on fine beading wire included. Enough for 2.5" with extras.
$6.75 Add to Cart
EARRING POSTS - Tiny brass looped posts for dolls with pierced earrings. Build your own earrings on these posts using wire and beads or even Sculpey made forms. Package of 6. $1.75 Add to Cart

PRINTED DOLL APRONS - There is something so dear about doll aprons, bonnets and shoes. These are aprons popular in the late 1800's which show up on many antique dolls, notably, Izannah Walkers, Springfield Woodens and many others. This is a common design - there were many - that I adapted and now print out in brown on extra fine overdyed batiste (for drape). These are mini-kits to make your own with sewing template, instructions, pre-printed and pre-overdyed (antique white) apron fronts plus lining and button for waistband. Even Hitty has one her size. Lengths are given so you can better gauge the
size your doll might need.

Apron for 3" dolls (Tiny Hitty) $12.00 Add to Cart
Apron for 3.5" dolls $12.00 Add to Cart
Apron for 6" dolls (Hitty) (3-1/2" top to bottom) $18.00 Add to Cart
Apron for 7-8" dolls

Apron for 7-8", 8-9", 9-10", 12", 14" and for 16-18" dolls are now half price until sold out and shown on the Garage Sale Page

Tacky Putty for Dolls 
(Uhu Brand)
Keep hats on slippery doll's heads, help pose and stand dolls and arrange small accessories. Won't harm firm paint or sturdy fabrics and can be re-used. Use small pieces balled up to stick things down. White.
Small package goes a long way. $1.75 Add to Cart


Glass eyes have wire loops to sew on. Use for my Primitive Animals.
Sets of two pair.
Small (4mm) Brown with Black Centers $6.00 Add to Cart
Large (6mm) Brown with Black Centers $8.00 Add to Cart
Small (4mm) All Black $4.50 Add to Cart

Large (6mm) All Black $4.50 Add to Cart (these come 4 pairs)

•Rusty bells for Lamb $1.75 (pkg of 4) Add to Cart
•Wooden wheels and axles $5.00 (one set) Add to Cart
•Platform for Lamb Pulltoy with wheels, axles, paint $9.50 set Add to Cart

•Cat Bases for the Upright Cat $3.00 Add to Cart


Doll Hair Fibers Dollmaking Supplies Gail Wilson Designs

linen mesh


MOHAIR FOR DOLL HAIR - This is a smooth but not the silky more realistic kind known as "English" mohair and therefore best for cloth dolls.It is slightly woolier than the English, but much easier to work with.
One yard roving. Will do approximately 3 dolls up to 12" or lots of angels. $5.75
Brown Add to Cart
Auburn Add to Cart

SPECIAL OFFER - I have a huge supply of the Auburn and Brown roving from the old days of many kits having it included in the kit supplies, and need to clear out some. 5 yard bags $10.95
Auburn Add to Cart Brown Add to Cart

MOHAIR (Fine English) FOR WIGGING - This is the realistic type of very silky mohair fiber used for molded head dolls. One yard lengths for wefting or other types of wig making. You can apply the wefting to a wig cap made from molded cotton knit, or use the sturdy moldable linen (18 mesh) with instructions for a wig cap. Note: The "flaxen" mohair listed below looks like flax which is often used on Queen Annes. Real flax can be stiff, so this is a perfect substitute. If you do want real flax fiber, see below.
NOTICE: I am no longer able to source English mohair in quantities, so have had to discontinue as I run out of current stock. If you are wigging a cloth doll, I recommend the mohair above which has the benefit of being easier to work with and can work well with cloth dolls. If you want the English type, look on Etsy - search for "mohair for dolls". There are several dealers selling small quantities.

This is wool or mohair that comes tightly braided. When unbraided it is nicely wavy. 12" of braid pulls out to much longer, about 3 times and much fuller. Can be sewn into wefting, "rooted" with a felting needle, sewn or glued. $4.5 No longer available from this website. Look on Etsy - search for "curley crepe mohair for dolls". Most will be from wool, which is good for many dolls, mohair is silkier and harder to find.

WIG CAP MAKINGS - Instructions for molding wig caps from either linen or cotton knit to make a foundation on which to build a wig. You provide your own materials. Uses either a heavy linen, the old way, (sold for needle arts) or follow the GW easy way using any cotton knit (old t-shirt, etc.). $3.50 Add to Cart

TINY CLAMPS FOR DOLLMAKING - You have to have these great little tools! Perfect for tightly holding small pieces together during sewing and gluing constructions, as hair clips while styling doll wigs, plus many more uses. Smooth jaws on these tiniest of clamps (about 1" long) will not leave marks. Recommended for working with mesh below. Package of 5. $4.95 Add to Cart

LINEN MESH FOR MAKING STRAW HATS & BONNETS - Make many styles of molded crown straw bonnets for smaller dolls (up to 16") using linen even-weave mesh. New size given will make the necessary double thick for more than one hat or bonnet. New full width cut (39" x 6") also allows for peeling off threads for twisted edgings as needed. Once you understand how well this product molds on a form, you can use household objects to mold many shapes, even small baskets for dolls. Adaptable basic instructions included. $10.95 Add to Cart


Stylus tools have many uses, from ceramics and sculpting to burnishing surfaces and in printing for embossing. I have always had them around my workshop since they have so many uses, but the one that is very helpful in dollmaking and which is little known, is using the ball tip to pull thread loops or tiny buttonholes over tiny buttons. Once you have one, you will find other uses as well.
Single stylus in smallest size $3.95 Add to Cart
Set of 5 assorted sizes $15.95 Add to Cart

Click here to see how to measure for
snood fit.

SNOODS - adding a snood to your doll is not only charming and historical, but it makes short work of hairstyling.

FINISHED HAND CROCHETED SNOODS - These are crocheted in dark brown rayon extra fine thread with brown silk ribbon ties. Sizes of dolls are only approximate as amount of hair and size of doll's head will make differences, however, the snoods have some degree of stretch plus cinching in. Please check the chart in the link at left to be sure for your doll. PLEASE NOTE: For some time, I have had to discontinue finished snoods in all 5 sizes having lost my longtime crochet person. But after a long search, I now have someone making them for me, but am limiting finished snoods to two sizes, A and B. A works on my 9" molded dolls. B works well with my Molded Fashion Doll and the Early American Needlework Cloth Doll.

Size A (8-9" dolls). $48 Add to Cart
Size B (10-12" dolls. B works well with my Molded Fashion Doll and the Early American Needlework Cloth Doll.) $58 Add to Cart

Hint: Cloth dolls tend to have bigger heads than molded dolls. So my 12" molded-head Fashion doll wears a B but my 12" Cloth Fashion Doll wears a C. But there is a lot of fudge factor with these and usually can be made to fit as long as you are in the general size range.

- A tiny kit to make a sewn snood for dolls from imported English cotton netting, special lace edging and silk ribbon. Not as elegant as a hand crocheted one, but most dolls will be happy to have one. $7.50 Add to Cart

CROCHET YOUR OWN DOLL SNOODS - Directions for four sizes of snoods that cover dolls from about 9" to 14". You will need Perle Cotton, Size 10 hook, and some 4mm silk ribbon. $3.50 Add to Cart

PERLE COTTON FOR SNOODS - in brown size 12 for crocheting your own snood from the kit or pattern instructions with size 10 crochet hook. (will make at least 3 snoods). $2.60 Add to Cart

CROCHET HOOK - size 10 for above work. $1.85 Add to Cart

BROWN SILK RIBBON FOR SNOODS - 1/8" wide. 5 yards $3.00 Add to Cart

This is hard to find with the right curl. I buy fleeces freshly shorn and hand wash.Will do several Santas, depending on size and amount of wool you use. $15.95 Add to Cart
This is the same soft brown as I use in my 14" Raggedy kits. Not for the smaller sizes. This is a full skein which will make about 4 dolls.
$5.75 SOLD OUT
Fiber Comb Doll Hair Gail Wilson Designs FIBER COMB FOR DOLL HAIR
In a lot of my kits, there is a need to use a "hair pick" to sort, smooth and thin the fibers. This is particularly true for all doll hair made from roving. Roving cannot be combed or brushed or it will fall apart, so this tool has been made here to solve the problem - real human hair picks with thin metal tines are hard to find. You could make one yourself with 5 needles and some sculpey (see my Hints page), but here is a nice one with a wood handle. $7.50 Add to Cart
Doll Wig Making Wig Clamp Gail Wilson Designs DOLLMAKERS WIGGING CLAMP
These came about because wherever I go to teach and use this, people want one. It is good for dolls from 2" on up to 18". Has a clamp to hold the doll steady on your work surface so both your hands are free and a little felt pincushion and place for your small scissors and thread. $32.00 Add to Cart (this item has a $3 shipping surcharge)
These needles which have been used in industry for a long time have recently hit the dollmaking world too and once you use them, you will see why. They are three-sided needles that have tiny barbs in them that pull fibers with them and leave them behind when the needle is removed, so that an in and out movement with the needle, felts or wefts fibers together. They can be used to attach fiber hair to cloth dolls' heads without sewing or gluing, and although this is not totally secure for playworthiness, it is fine for most "just to be looked at dolls". I also use them a lot for just securing the hairdoes themselves, not to the scalp but just to pull the hair into line or tidy up places that have become messy, especially with roving hair. Four needles come with a small instruction sheet.
$5.75 Add to Cart
Keep hats on slippery doll's heads, help pose and stand dolls and arrange small accessories. Won't harm firm paint or sturdy fabrics and can be re-used. Use small pieces balled up to stick things down. White.
Small package goes a long way. $1.75 Add to Cart


An essential tool for sewers and dollmakers. They look and operate like scissors (without cutting), but are actually little clamps that can reach into the tiniest places like doll arms (and even fingers), grab and clamp, then pull right side out. Their dull tips are good for pointing corners and pushing. $6.75 Add to Cart

These are highly recommended for being able to maneuver stuffing into undesirable gaps and also to pack the stuffing for a good fill with a smooth outer surface. We make these here with wood handles and I send with a sheet of my own stuffing tips. Strongly recommend with all stuffings, and for the best results possible, use with the wool roving above.

Large Fork (all general stuffing) $14.95 Add to Cart

Small Fork (getting into small areas such as fingers or stuffing very small (3" types) doll arms and legs, not for heavy pushing) $12.95 Add to Cart


There are basically two styles of fork ends. For basic stuffing of larger cavities (like doll bodies or heads), you want only a tiny groove in a sturdier rod, not anything close to the definition of a fork with longer tines. But the reason is you only want enough of a "catch"on the tip is so that you can manipulate stuffing - mostly to grab it and push it in, plus move it once in tight spaces to fill gaps. The other style of fork is mainly used to guide stuffing inside a cavity where the stuffing is contained inside its decidedly longer forked ends and this is used in narrow places like doll fingers or tiny dolls. My regular forks are like the first description with a tiny groove in a sturdier metal rod while my smaller forks are made with definitive forked ends about 1/4" long.

If you are stuffing bigger things, you can make a good fork using a cheap screwdriver with an appropriate length shaft and head for your work, and use a file to make a small V-fork in the end.

TURNING TUBES ~ Inexpensive but good turning tubes very helpful for things like doll fingers. I was going to make fancy ones from brass and searched out ones from clear or white poly, but these brightly colored ones will do the job (3 appropriate sizes for my sizes of dolls) and are very reasonable. $10.00 Add to Cart

BODKIN FOR TURNING MOST ANYTHING RS OUT ~ Long before turning tubes, there were bodkins. This is a long smooth metal bar with a large eye at one end. Slip the eye up inside the narrowest of tubes and then with a regular needle and thread, sew through the cloth that you want to turn RS out, going through the eye of the bodkin. Pull the bodkin out and it will pull with it the far end that you temporarily tacked to it. Easy and efficient. GW illustrated instructions come with it. $3.50 Add to Cart

SET OF STUFFING TUBES - My invention for better stuffing. Faster, easier and little or no stress on your hand/wrist. This is a set of two cut Aqua Cones (large and small) and two tubes (large and small). You should use them best with wool roving, though they also work with good poly by feeding the poly in like roving and you will need a regular sized stuffing fork. Set $7.50 Add to Cart

PURE WOOL STUFFING (sorry, never part of a sale)
The very best stuffing of all and worth the price for all-natural. If you use this with the stuffing forks sold below, you will have the best chance at good doll stuffing - the hardest part of dollmaking. Most helpful for smooth surfaces on doll heads and nice smooth legs and arms. The best for beginners too. Can even be dyed for doll hair. (The cost of wool is high, however, it is still the best stuffing and in relation to the amount of work put into a doll, worth every penny. This is not the place to skimp.).

8 oz. - enough for 4 - 6 smaller dolls $12 Add to Cart
1 pound. - (about 20 yards) plenty for several dolls $23 (this item has a $4 shipping surcharge) Add to Cart
Sorry, I can no longer supply greater quantities than 1 pound per order.

Shipping Note on lightweight stuffings below: Due to new shipping rates imposed on us that involve dimensional weight (the size of the box is factored in even if lightweight and low cost, such as a bag of stuffing), we must figure orders with bags of stuffing on a box by box basis so that regular shipping rates may not apply. This means it is best to order stuffing with other items to keep your shipping reasonable. Of course, if you need stuffing, you need stuffing and we are happy to ship and we do squash it down as much as possible. Be especially forwarned that on offers of reduced or free shipping during a promotion will not apply.

This is the best white poly. This used to be called "Super Fluff" and now is named Mountain Mist, but made by same Buffalo Batt and Felt Company. Stays put and is not slippery or lumpy. Has the best effect closest to firm vintage stuffed dolls.
12 oz. Bag $5.45 Add to Cart (this item has a $2.00 shipping surcharge)
2# Bag. Sorry, I am no longer selling this size.

I have always avoided old-fashioned cotton for stuffing, though it was used extensively in old dolls and animals. That was because it was hard to avoid lumps. But my interest in one aspect of vintage dolls and animals - that of the heft and "solidness" of old stuffing - led me to try this brand of cotton. I was very impressed and had no trouble stuffing without lumps and at the same time achieving the desirable heft. I still recommend my other stand-by's above, but am now adding this product to my line-up of different materials to use. I have also tried kapok (did not like how air-born it was) and will be doing somework with excelsior and horse hair to see if these too may be added. Try this on vintage style dolls where you wish for authenticity in all aspects. The large 16 oz. bags are actually very soft rolls of batting that easily pulls apart for stuffing and will do several dolls of medium size. $6.50 Temporarily Unavailable


This product (Flumo, made in Spain) is the modern equivalent of liquid (and pourable) papier mache. It has some paper pulp in it along with a more modern and more workable polymer base. This material is the best on the market (I feel) and I have gone to great lengths to have it. It must be used in plaster molds. Liter size (a bit more than a quart) - does not need to be shipped separately from rest of order but may require additional shipping. Due to a bulk purchase, I can now offer a lower price of $22.75 instead of the old price of $28.75. Sorry, gallons are no longer offered due to shipping nightmares.

Liter Size Flumo $22.75/
NOW $18 Add to Cart.
4 Liters $82/NOW $68 Add to Cart

SHIPPING RATES FOR FLUMO (domestic shipping only and we add shipping costs when we set up your order here, not on your online order form):
1 Liter = $14.95 A single liter may be shipped with other items (not always), but the minimum shipping rate will be $16.95.
2 Liters = $16.95 Multiple liters must be shipped independently of other items.
3-4 Liters = $20.95 4 liters is the maximum shipped in one box and no other items may be added to the box.

If you do any research on papier mache, you will find references to the necessity of working with very hard wooden tools. There is one shape that in all the many thousands of doll parts that I have worked on is just simply a necessity. Of course it did not really exist in wood, only in a tiny pocket knife that is the only tool (besides two keyboards) I actually wore out from use. One day after Skip (my husband) had done our annual orchard pruning, I asked him to make one from applewood (a very hard wood). I cannot live without this tool (and the little new Swiss Army pocket knife which you can still buy and which has the blade I grew to love). Skip continues to make them and we offer them here. $15.75 Add to Cart

Handworkable papier mache. Dries hard, can be sanded, drilled, etc. This product can be used to add on to any of my molded doll parts. Choose a size that best fits your project since it is best to use it in a short period of time once opened but will keep in a tightly sealed plastic bag for future use. 4 oz. We can no longer stock PaperClay due to shelf life. It is readily available online including Amazon.

This doll used to live here, but she has moved to her own page under Dolls by Type where you can read in more detail about her. There are molds to cast your own parts (make one or lots), already molded parts to start right in on, and instructions and patterns to make the cloth body and many choices of clothing, plus all the miscellaneous extras are there too so you won't need to come back here.

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