Inspired to do an angel for the next century this pattern makes a
angel with large quilted wings who holds a quilted star embroidered
with the year 2000 - or you could choose other appropriate words
or names as the year 2000 slips by - in her demurely crossed arms
with quilted fingers,. She has a needle-sculpted nose and an embroidered
face with simple kinky hair. Her hair, the special wax medium and
techniques to make her look old are included in the pattern.
Pattern #102 (with antiquing medium and
hair) $28.00 Add
to Cart
(Finished Item Not Available)

Another in the series of large angels, this ange was given large quilted wings which frame her early 1800s style
gown. She has slightly unruly hair of coarse mohair. Her banner is embroidered and
quilted while her striped toes just peek out from beneath her slip.
Pattern #104 - Pattern includes special
antiquing medium, cheek pencil, fiber for hair and felting needle
for applying hair. $28.00 Add
to Cart
(Finished Item Not Available)

Every year I have to meet the challenge of a new angel. This angel
was made post September 11 and in style the head and wings are taken
from some wonderful old slate gravestones from the 18th Century.
She is about 15" tall, but with a molded primitive papier-mache
head. She holds a hand-embroidered quilted banner in her hands that
proclaims "Remember", appropriate for all of us for that
year and all years. Of course she is quite vintage looking with her
antique finish. Her color is old mustardy browns.
Kit for Remember Angel $58.00 SOLD OUT

Requests for more Santas inspired this one in my favorite - vintage
linsey-woolsey. He stands by himself carrying a handmade basket
of birch twigs by my assistant, Kathi, and he holds a sack on his
back, a walking stick in the other hand, and on his belt a handknit
striped stocking. He is about 12" tall with a needle-sculpted
nose on an antiqued cloth body. The overall look is subtle winter
Pattern #103 (with wood base) $22.00 Add
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Finished with Vintage Fabrics (Finished Item Not Available)

This painted cloth-faced Santa shows off his quilted and pieced robe
on a uniquely constructed body that allows him to stand by himself,
through a special technique of weighting his feet. His wonderful
presence is created by the layers of clothing and the many fabrics
that go into his robe. Easy 4-patch quilt construction is used to
create the "fabric"
for his robe. A few options are included for accessories as well.
This pattern can provide many many looks from vintage country to
Victorian by just altering the fabric choices. Included in the Mini Kit are wood
soles, bearding, all paints, face stencil, wires for arms, a hard-to-find
antiqued belt buckle and instructions for how to make his address
book. The pattern only has full instructions and patterns plus the face stencil.
Quilted Santa Mini Kit (Includes Patterns and Instructions) $78.00 Add
to Cart
Quilted Santa Pattern and Instructions Only $22.00 Add
to Cart
(Finished Item Not Available)
- I have assembled a limited edition of all of the fabrics (about
70) necessary to make this santa in the old browns palette that
I used. The 60 squares used to make the 4-patch quilt for his robe
are from my own stash of many years and all pre-cut, many overdyed,
ready to sew. Except for a few accessories, everything is here,
including body fabric, lead feet, leather for his belt, fabrics
for shoes, stockings, pants, tunic, sack and cap with floss for
the tassel. For all other accessories besides fabrics, visit the Just
For Santas page. This fabric kit is optional (or you can gather
all your own fabrics), but does not include the mini-kit
above, so you will need both. Quilted Santa Fabric Kit $175.00 Add
to Cart

This Santa is taught in my three-day retreats. It is not a kit for
the faint-of-heart, but nor is it that hard, just lots of details.
Includes the original molded face from my own molds, all the paints,
body fabric and wooden body pieces and special lead feet so he will
stand by himself, bearding wool, several toys, belt makings, buttons, special fabric
for shoe making and 30 pages of patterns and instructions that include
many styles of clothing so that you can make him traditional, country,
Victorian or your choice, plus many other accessories in the way
of sacks, packs, stockings, walking sticks, painted cloth scroll
lists of names, books and many many hints for details like overdyeing
to make ordinary fabrics look good. Full Kit $250.00 DISCONTINUED
NEW Mini Kit - Includes all of the basics for the Santa body: the original molded face from my own molds, all the paints,
body fabric, wooden body pieces and special lead feet so he will
stand by himself and bearding wool. Also includes the 30 pages of patterns and instructions that include
many styles of clothing and accessories (hats, belt, mittens, scarves, sacks, packs, stockings) plus a few toys that can be made from supplies you may already have and many hints for details like overdyeing
to make ordinary fabrics look just right. Santas can be made traditional, country,
Victorian or your choice, plus many other accessories in the way
of sacks, walking sticks, painted cloth scroll
lists of names, books. Kits for other toys may be ordered on the "Santa Makings" page found in the Dollmaking Supplies tab in the menu at the top of the page.
New Mini-Kit $158 Add
to Cart
Extra Molded Head and Wood base $24.00 Add
to Cart
Set of Lead Feet Weights with Wood Soles $28.00 Add
to Cart
Sled Kit $28.00 Add
to Cart
If you would like just the 30 pages of patterns and instructions,
you can now order these. You will need a molded head & wood
base - see above - to make the patterns work. Otherwise, all
supplies are up to you.
$28 Add
to Cart
FINISHED SANTAS - Please contact
me if you are interested in a Santa of this type (beginning
at $975 and up depending on the details)
My latest Santa with every
single accessory and two small children on a fenced platform for
display. $2575 complete, only 6 available.

This larger Santa makes a bold statement and the
work to get him there is very relaxing hand work if you have ever
done or admired the penny rug style. You can start with any old
wools (not synthetics, although small amounts of nylon added to
the wool content are fine) using light solid colors and small scraps
of checks, tweeds and plaids. Their original colors (if not too
dark) will be easily taken over by the easy dye process you can
do right on your stove with Rit dyes and the recipes included in
the instructions.For example, once while teaching, everyone wanted
the mustard color of my Santa above and the shop owner had yards
of a pastel pink and a pastel blue. I had my doubts, but tried
anyhow, and magic! You could no longer tell which were formerly
pink and which were baby blue. The work of Penny Rug style is basically
an applique of wool pieces using a decorative embroidery stitch
to apply the cut wool designs. Wool sews like a dream especially
since the dyeing process slightly felts the wool. Pattern (mini-kit)
is also available. Kit Info: 18"
Santa and all materials, patterns, instructions. You only need stuffing.
Penny Rug Santa Full Kit - $225 DISCONTINUED AS FULL KITS
(Due to the extra work of dyeing and not enough workers to do it!)
•Finished Penny Rug
Santa (not available at this time)
PENNY RUG SANTA MINI KIT (has wooden base, bearding, paints,
wire armatures) - you supply body fabric (3/4 yd of Kona cotton recommended,
wools, stuffing, etc. - see link below for printable list. Instructions have easy dye recipes you can
do yourself for all his wool).
MINI KIT (Includes Patterns and Instructions) $48 Add
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Click here for PDF of SUPPLIES NEEDED for Mini Kit (also useful for Pattern Only):