She is dressed in her red cape, 2-piece dress and apron with pantalets under where you can see her red shoes peeking out and carries her tiniest of baskets. Includes her stand. $250 Add
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This well known duo are also available as a set and come with their stands. Like Little Red Riding Hood above, these too have posable arms and legs. Gretel has her day cap and Hansel his own cap and leather-like suspenders. Hansel and Gretel were $475 for the pair, on sale for $350 including stands Add
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This set is being discontinued - last ones on sale on the Garage Sale Page. |
Mother Goose (with a teeny pulltoy goose).
Mother Goose $250 Add to Cart
Little Bo Peep (with a teeny pulltoy sheep)
Little Bo Peep $250 Add to Cart
For those collecting this series, Little Miss Muffet is now in production. She, of course, comes sitting on her stuffed tuffet eating her curds and whey from a wooden bowl with a hand carved wooden spoon - just her size, which I can tell you is very small. The odious spider, embroidered, is stealthily crawling up the tuffet.
She is $250. Add to Cart |
Wee Willie Winkie runs through the town,
Up stairs and down stairs in his night-gown.
Tapping at the window, crying at the lock,
Are the children in their bed, for it's past ten o'clock?
This one is my version of Wee Willie Winkie, an old Scottish nursery rhyme much longer in its original form first published in 1841 and sung as a lullaby. My Wee Willie Winkie is the same 3.5" as the other dolls in the Nursery Rhyme Series which began with Little Red Riding Hood. He has curly toed slippers, a knit and tasseled nightcap and a hand-dyed outfit of a tucked gown over bloused pants and carries a tiny wooden lantern. He comes with the wooden stand. $250.
This doll has been discontinued. |
My newest nursery rhyme characters are the well known Jack and Jill. The two-doll set comes on a wooden stand and both are holding a tiny red pail. The inspiration for their clothing was taken from paintings by Kate Greenaway with most of the fabrics and trims specially hand dyed here in my workshop to get the look. Like all the other dolls in this Tiny Doll Series, these too are 3.5" tall. This set, unlike the others, will be limited in number to 24 total. $475 for the set on their stand.
This set is being discontinued - last ones on sale on the Garage Sale Page. |
THE VALENTINE GIRL - NEW 2022 We loved designing and making this doll!
I was inspired to make one of my Tiny Dolls (3.5" tall) in the style of illustrations on old fashioned Valentines. Her party hat is trimmed with a ruffled ribbon and her red silk skirt and cotton tulle overskirt are hand dyed here. She holds a very tiny two layer wood valentine proclaiming "Be Mine".
Included is her stand.
This set is being discontinued - last ones on sale on the Garage Sale Page. |
The new line of nursery rhyme and fairy tale dolls with the addition last month of a Valentines Girl has been such fun that for Spring and Easter, this new tiny was created. Like the others, she is 3.5" tall with her posable body. Dressed in new tiny prints with her, of course, Easter bonnet to match, she has a dress, pini, slip and bloomers. Her very tiny all wood pulltoy is a rabbit ready to deliver an easter egg. All come on a wooden stand. $250
This doll is now discontinued.
She joins the Valentine and Easter Girls in time for the Fourth of July. Like the others she is 3.5" tall and is made from my own original molds of papier mache with posable arms and painted in red high button boots. Her painted cloth tiara sits proudly on her head and she holds a painted wooden banner with "Liberty" engraved. Her outfit consists of underdress, slip, skirt with bustle and a tiny ribbon rosette sets off her bodice. She comes on her wooden stand. $250
This doll is now discontinued. |
One of two next ones for Halloween, the tiny Cat Girl, also 3.5" tall, a child dressed up as a Halloween cat complete with ears, a tail and carrying her tiny pumpkin gathering tote. Her price (with stand) is $250.
This doll is being discontinued - last ones on sale on the Garage Sale Page.t |
THE HALLOWEEN BAT GIRL - A wonderful pair to display together with the Cat Girl.
The second of the two new holiday Tiny Dolls for Halloween, is the tiny Bat Girl, also 3.5" tall, a child dressed up as a Halloween bat wearing her bat wings and the tiniest of masks. Her price (with stand) is $250.
This doll is being discontinued - last ones on sale on the Garage Sale Page.
For this tiny doll in the series celebrating holidays, I chose an angel. Over all the years of my dollmaking, angels have always played an important role. This one is the tiniest of all. Like the other Tiny Dolls in the Nursery Rhyme and Fairy Tale Series and the Holiday Series, this angel is 3.5" tall with the same basic look and construction as the very first one (Little Red Riding Hood) with posable arms and legs on a papier mache molded head and body from my own molds. She wears a hand-dyed gown trimmed in tucks and imported lace, undies underneath include a lace trimmed slip and pantalets. Her wings, guilded halo and her banner are all of painted wood. Halo is securely pegged. Her price is $250 including stand. If you prefer, you may order her with a hanging loop in place of the stand.
These are now sold out. |
Shown at left is my new Valentine's Tiny Doll all in pinks (including her hat which looks red in the photo). Like all the other holiday themed Tinies, she is 3.5" tall, or 4.5" to tip of hat. She too was inspired by vintage Valentines images. Her fabric was specially printed here in house to achieve the just-right look. All of her silk ribbons, the delicate lace at her collar and even her buttons are hand dyed to perfection. She holds a tiny garland of wooden hearts painted pink and her slippers are trimmed with tiny balls at the toes. She comes with her stand.
This doll is being discontinued - last ones on sale on the Garage Sale Page.