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You can find pictures of all of Hitty's things in the section called Hitty's Photo Gallery. |
Hitty's Country
This outfit has a cloth bonnet, dress, apron all in assorted
tiny prints that go together, plus a wooden hanger to display it
on. The patterns are easily adapted to other fabrics and Hittys.
Kit $46 Add
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•Finished $68 Add
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Hitty's Basics ~
Cape and Winter Bonnet, Nightgown and Nightcap
Hitty must have some basics, so here is her hooded cape in flannel
with ribbon ties, a winter bonnet of flannel and decorated with
feather stitching as well as a nightgown and nightcap both trimmed
with delicate lace.
Kit $46 Add
to Cart
• Finished Nightgown & Nightcap Set $58 Add
to Cart
• Finished Cape and Embroidered Winter Bonnet $68 Add
to Cart
Note: In the photo gallery the picture of the Cape shows a tan cape, this fabric is now unavailable. The color is now dark blue. |
Hitty's Best
Throughout Hitty, Her First Hundred Years, much attention
was paid by Rachel Field and Dorothy Lathrop to Hitty's attire in
each adventure. Perhaps this is because one of the charms of dolls
is the notion of dressing them up. These two dresses are my designs
based on some doll dresses from the 1800's, the time frame of Hitty's
Kit $42 Add
to Cart
• Finished Drop Waist Best Dress
$58 Add
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• Finished Pini over Dress Best
Dress $68 Add
to Cart |
Hitty's Quaker
Outfit ~ 2-Piece Dress,
Fichu, Cap and Outing Straw Bonnet
In one of Hitty's many adventures, she finds herself adopted
by Clarissa Pryce, a quiet Quaker child, who ably sews for Hitty
some Quaker-style clothing. The straw bonnet typical of those
worn by both Quaker and Shaker women of the times was inspired
by an Izannah Walker doll found in her own Quaker outfit.
• Kit $46 Add
to Cart
• Finished
Set $98 Add
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Hitty's Izannah
Walker Outfit~
Dress and Printed Apron
If Hitty was about one hundred years old when Rachael Field
and Dorothy Lathrop acquired her in the late 1920’s,
then an Izannah Walker doll would have been a newcomer in Hitty’s
world. Perhaps she would have admired the styles of dress often
used on these most beloved of American cloth dolls. This is
a Hitty size version complete with a pre-printed batiste apron
adapted by GW.
• Kit $46 Add
to Cart
• Finished Set $68 Add
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Hitty's Izannah
Walker Apron Only (Printed Apron with patterns, instructions)
Mini-Kit $18 Add
to Cart
• Extra Apron Prints only - you
must have the kit and instructions $12.50 Add
to Cart
• Finished Aprons $24 Add
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Hitty's Jane
Austen Outfit
One can only imagine that Hitty would have loved the literary
adventures written by Jane Austen. Elegant gowns and bonnets enhance
the romantic stories that have enchanted readers for two centuries.
This outfit has a high-waisted gown with period bonnet, petticoat
and slim leg pantalets. Dress and bonnet trimmed with hand-dyed
silk sashes. Bonnet is constructed of linen mesh with the high
tilted back of the times. See photo by scrolling down the page.
• Kit $46 Add
to Cart
• Finished Set $125 Add
to Cart |
Hitty's Winter
(Coat, Bonnet, Leggings & Muff)
For winter, Hitty was given a period collared coat with leggings, bonnet and muff to match in brown flannel with black trim.
• Kit $46 Add
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• Finished Set $125 Add
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NEW ~ Hitty's Annabelle Outfit
Inspired by Tasha Tudor's beloved book A is for Annabelle
A new outfit for Hitty. After doing my big (9") Annabelle doll (see below), I realized the outfit could be made in Hitty size. The outfit consists of her pink gingham dress, an underdress in fine batiste trimmed with imported lace, pantalets to match, topped with a bonnet and her folded hankie embroidered with "A" for Annabelle. Kits have all pre overdyed fabrics and laces with all other materials to make all the pieces listed above. And for those who like to buy Hitty's things all made, finished outfits are now available as well.
Annabelle Outfit Kit $46 Add to Cart Finished Complete 5 Piece Outfit $125 Add to Cart |